


Oct 12, 2020



The most popular question is which person does Rotary to ask him

“Hey guys, use the finer system? “

And of course every one advises him who has tried and liked him at work

But you would like something in the soul of Jacob, like that, it is good. Wax me. This system is sweet with someone, and the second is no. Why is the work that comes out on social media, it remains in a different way than your job, no matter how you change the files

Would you like to tell you the secret?

The secret that they will not tell you is that all the file companies have agreed that no one works a complete system so that everyone can buy and sell, and no one loses.

You have to buy such a system in order to see the results you like and remain satisfied with it

And since hybridization has its origins, no one knows how to do it, preferably with people frustrated and suspicious in itself, and God forgives them with the misery of companies.

What is important .. we scratch the topic and solve the mystery for you

How do we work with Files Hybridization ?!

Hybridization depends on 3 needs:

1.Tip Size:

When we were working on Manuel, we used to preserve the color coding of the ststs

White, yellow, red, blue, which is 15 20 25 30 and so on

When we entered the Rotary, it remained .. I saw that every company

Colorcoding her brain is her

You must still know what system you will buy

The sizes of the villas in which eh

Of course we all know that the entire mannula is taper 2%

And Rotary 4 or 6

But we are here talking about the size of the tip only

Mostly, the Orifice Opener will remain in it with Felines 20 and 25, for example, and it is possible to meet a third file of a larger size that differs from one company to the other

Or a file for the glide path, for example, if it was a sweet company


We go back to that in memory of the next one ... think what this taper meant

Simply, the file enlarges a cam in a water every mm

Any file is usually about 16 mm long or a bit longer

So if Gina Nada is an example of our regular Taper 2 mannual files

We will see that File 25, for example

At the tip of 25

After the first mm, its size will remain 27

After the second mm it remains 29 and so on

When we need to apply this idea to taper 4 or 6

It remains if we have a file 25, but taper 6, for example

It remains only 25

But after the first mm it will be 31

After the second mm it will be 37

I thought about the difference like that

What benefited from when I knew the file size and Tiber?

Not only because you are walking in the correct order

But also, in order to know that you will enter, exit the file from the end system, and you will delete this file before or after

3- NiTi Type:

Yes, I mean..i is the NiTi in types of violin !!

It is not types in the literal sense

But it is the arrangement of the crystals of the metal

Petgir Pal Heat treatment

We have two types, and countries that please create different villas

We focus here a little remained

Think of a time in the first faculty of dialogue with quartz and crystoballite and this metallurgy speech

The same idea, so we will simplify it without entering into a material lecture

First they came up with Niti crystals and arranged them

Somehow he stayed with us

The first Austinitic type

You will find this type in a generation of Rotary villas that are found in the ones that are often said in the market or are very cheap.

Like the protaper and the

This type is distinguished by its presence

Good Hardness and Toughness

Great Cutting Efficiency

I mean, it is very dry and carved in the rock

But he has low cyclic fatigue resistance

I mean, every time you wish and uniqueness, the life of the file shortens very quickly and exposes it to breakage quickly

But it has high torque resistance

You can click on it while it's on, and it won't get unwinding easily

Then you can use it. Straight channels, or if the channel has a bit of calcification, it will enter it in conscience and behave or in Coronal 1/3 of any channel other than that, no

The second type is the Martensitic:

This is in contrast to the first type, which is found in most new files, such as Hyflex and Fanta files

It has High cyclic fatigue resistance

I mean, I mean, I will turn to him as you wish

It has the advantage of Precurving

And the Veeeery Flexibile

But it has little torque resistance

You cannot press it rigidly while you are working because it will get unwinding very easily

But just what you put in the autoclave

It returns to its natural shape which is a very sweet feature

Also, to reduce unwinding, you can use the best techniques in rotary work

It is the SSC “Single Stroke and Clean”.

This needs an explanation on its own, but in short it is that you enter once and pull the file, clean it with a swap, and come back again, but do not dig in it for a minute, two minutes, like the shankor

Or if you have an IBEX that has the OTR feature, keep your wind and keep you on the file

Therefore, this type can be used

In the curved canals

Or in the Apical 1/3 of any channel

Or if you try to do a Ledge bypass

The sealer is attached to the apex and distributed into the walls before obturation

If someone has less metric and wants to understand a little more, he can see this…/a-Martensite-and-austenite-cryst…/amp

That is why we understood Hybridization depending on which one is from the other

We see the characteristics of each file and see what canal it needs

And we reconcile Racine with the solution

We apply the rest with examples to understand? ... we apply:

Example 1 in terms of size and taper:

If I have been running in a year and I meet my initial 20

This means that I can reach as far as the apex with Fail 20, which is taper 2

It remains the first rotary file he entered after the orifice opener if needed

Is file 20 t 4%

After that, 25 t 4% or 20 t 6%

After that, I can increase the size and reduce the Tiber Zi, for example, by the last 30 Tiber 4%

Al-Qaeda :

Can be inserted in the same size as the tip and supplied with the Taper

Or the largest of the tip and the taper

Or, change the size in the order of the tip sizes with the taper reduced

Example 2 in terms of NiTi type and status:

1.If I have a single canal year like the Canine or the Lower Premolar

Still, I'll use Feline Austinsitic

20 and 25 as the protaper or

Thank you for that, and I don’t need Hybridization

2.If I have Molar but Straight Canal

Let's start with the Orifice Opener if you need it

And then will you work the Crown Down Technique?